About the UIC Make Good Lab

The Make Good Lab is a creative space for tinkering, crafting, prototyping, and exploring creative solutions to real-world and community-based problems. We support opportunities for faculty, in-service and pre-service teachers, and their students to utilize both hands-on (e.g., stamps, cutting, textiles) and high-tech tools (e.g., 3D printers, robotics, circuitry kits, media production software and tools). Our mission is to provide space, tools, and support for people who want to make good: people who want to make media to send a message, people who want to learn and play with new tools and technologies, people who want to design things that will improve the lives of others.

The Make Good Lab Heading link

The Make Good Lab is a makerspace and digital production studio located in UIC’s College of Education.

1040 W. Harrison St., 1241 ETMSW, (MC 147), Chicago, Illinois 60607